1 John 4

February 18, 2025

~L O V E ~

***Means you are to have an affection based on admiration, enthusiasm, passion and devotion***

Read 1 John 4

Key Verses: 1 John 4:7-8

“Dear friends, let us continue to LOVE one another, for LOVE comes from God. Anyone who LOVES is a child of God and knows God. But anyone who does not LOVE does not know God, for God is LOVE.”

Unconditional Love. You may find that difficult to achieve depending on the situation or the person. But God isn’t calling you to be tentative about how you are going to love someone. God says you must Love one another because He is Love. That’s it! There can’t be any “buts” placed before that command from the Lord. As soon as you gave your heart to the Lord, what happened? God’s Love entered in.

You show the world that Christ dwells within you by the Love you show to another person. If you have trouble loving someone, ask the Lord to show you how to Love like He does. When you love someone unconditionally, it reveals the heart of the Lord and people will be drawn to Him through you.

By suppressing Love and withholding the Love that the Lord commands you to have, it reveals a heart that does not actually know the Lord! Examine your heart today. Do you have a saving relationship with Jesus? If you do then the Love of God is alive within you! The Spirit of the Living God resides in you and it is through God’s Spirit you can express unconditional love to everyone in every situation.


Father God, I am Your child, and I should express Your Love in every situation and show Your Love to everyone I come in contact with. My prayer today is that You would, through Your Holy Spirit, grow that kind of Love within me. I humble myself before You Father, at times I fail at expressing unconditional Love, forgive me for those times Lord and correct any unloving attitude You find within me. I want Your Love to draw others to Christ and the only way that is going to happen is if I surrender my tentative Love to You and accept Your Love as my own. Amen.

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