1 Peter 1

February 6, 2025

~J O Y~

***Means you are to experience the Lord your Savior with great pleasure or delight***

Read 1 Peter 1

Key Verses: 1 Peter 1:8-9

“You love Him even though you have never seen Him. Though you do not see Him now, you trust Him; and you rejoice with a glorious, inexpressible JOY. The reward for trusting Him will be the salvation of your souls.”

Think about the day you gave your heart to the Lord Jesus Christ, your belief and your faith in who He is caused you to make a decision that changed your life forever!

When Jesus came to earth, He walked among people, talked with them, ate with them, shared His life with them. They had the Savior of the world in their midst, they witnessed firsthand all the marvelous things He did, yet some did not believe, some did not have faith to trust His Word.

But look at you! Even without walking down the road with Jesus, even without seeing the wonderous miracles He performed, even without hearing His voice preaching the Good News of Salvation, you put your life in His hands! You had enough trust to know He would save you and cleanse you of all sin and destroy the penalty of death that shrouded your life. And though you do not see Him, you trust Him, you love Him and that should bring an incredible rejoicing within your very being and explode as a glorious, inexpressible JOY that is evident to everyone because your life has indeed been changed forever.

As you continue to walk through life with Jesus at your side and you obey the commands found in His Word your JOY will only expound with increased expression of the JOY you have find in your Savior!


Dear Jesus, first off, thank you for saving this wretched soul of mine. Knowing You took this sinful heart of mine and transformed it into something brand new brings me great Joy. Even though I didn’t see You face to face while You walked this earth, I do see You, I do hear Your voice. I pray that I will always seek Your face and that I will keep my ears open so I can really hear Your Word and obey Your commands. Lord, nothing creates greater Joy within me than to know my life pleases You and brings You Joy. Amen.