Job 28

March 6, 2025

~W I S D O M~

***Means you are marked by having deep understanding, keen discernment, and a capacity for sound judgment***

Read Job Chapter 28

Key verses: Job 28:20, 23-24, 28…

20 “But do people know where to find wisdom?
    Where can they find understanding?

23 God alone understands the way to wisdom;
    He knows where it can be found,
24 for He looks throughout the whole earth
    and sees everything under the heavens

28 And this is what He says to all humanity:
The fear of the Lord is true wisdom;
    to forsake evil is real understanding.”

The Book of Job takes the reader on a journey of prosperity, loss, humiliation, trust, faithfulness and finding true wisdom. When God allowed Job to go through tremendous loss, you see him struggle with the advice he was getting from his friends. Even his wife was not supportive as he suffered.

So how do you find wisdom when your heart has been crushed, or your circumstances have left you in utter despair?

In Job chapter 28 you read that people know how to find hidden treasures, they know how to dig deep into the earth’s core and find beautiful gemstones that have never seen the light of day. But they do not know how to find wisdom. People search the world for wisdom, they look to others for answers, but wisdom, true wisdom is not going to be found on this earth.

Your search, your yearning for wisdom and for understanding must come from the Lord. He is your only source. You may try to dig for hidden treasure, but eventually you will come up empty. When you do not go to the Lord for help in your search, you will never find the wisdom you were hoping for.

Your Heavenly Father, the Creator of the Universe, shouts through creation to point you to Himself. He makes Himself known everywhere you look. So why don’t you seek Him for wisdom? Why do you look everywhere else for understanding?

It is in God alone that you find wisdom, it is by asking Him for wisdom that it will be found…

“The fear of the Lord is true wisdom;
    to forsake evil is real understanding.”

Obeying the Lord’s commands, seeking the Lord within the Scriptures and asking God for His wisdom is how you gain true wisdom. Turning your heart, mind and soul away from sinful behavior, confessing those sinful desires and forsaking everything but the Word of God is what brings wisdom and understanding to your life.


Heavenly Father, create in me the desire to seek You first in all things. Lord, I pray that I will not search the world for what I am looking for, but that my heart would turn to You… You are my source of wisdom. Give me Your wisdom Lord. Give me the understanding of Your Word that only You can provide. I am asking, I am trusting. Help me Father to obey Your commands and to turn away from evil. Forgive me for the things I have done that are not pleasing to You… then cause me to walk in Your wisdom. Amen.

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