Mark 13:1-37

Written ~ 02-26-2024

Read Mark Chapter Thirteen

Mark 13

This chapter is Mark’s account of the same revelation Jesus spoke about in Matthew Chapter 24. Jesus is giving us clues about what the end times will look like and that we need to be on guard and to keep watch. Going back to the Bible Study on February 1, 2024, we concentrated on Matthew 24:32-35, 32 “Now learn a lesson from the fig tree. When its branches bud and its leaves begin to sprout, you know that summer is near. 33 In the same way, when you see all these things, you can know His return is very near, right at the door. 34 I tell you the truth, this generation will not pass from the scene until all these things take place. 35 Heaven and earth will disappear, but My words will never disappear.” These verses from Matthew are reiterated in Mark 13:28-31. If time permits, go back to that study in Matthew and re-read it, maybe it will give additional insight into the verses we will touch on in Mark 13.

Let’s look at verses 13:32-37,

32 “However, no one knows the day or hour when these things will happen, not even the angels in heaven or the Son Himself. Only the Father knows. 33 And since you don’t know when that time will come, be on guard! Stay alert!

34 “The coming of the Son of Man can be illustrated by the story of a man going on a long trip. When he left home, he gave each of his slaves instructions about the work they were to do, and he told the gatekeeper to watch for his return. 35 You, too, must keep watch! For you don’t know when the master of the household will return—in the evening, at midnight, before dawn, or at daybreak. 36 Don’t let Him find you sleeping when He arrives without warning. 37 I say to you what I say to everyone: Watch for Him!”

We are told in this passage that we do not have the insight of Christ’s return. No one knows the day or the hour. It’s not for us to figure out that day, this knowledge is kept in the Father’s heart and His alone. So if you ever hear a pastor, teacher or any other religious leader say they have calculated a date and time of Christ’s return, it is not something to believe. But what we are told to do is watch the signs. Be ready for Christ’s return at any moment. Even if His return does not happen in our generation, we are to live as though He were coming back today.

Read verse 13:34 again,

 34 “The coming of the Son of Man can be illustrated by the story of a man going on a long trip. When he left home, he gave each of his slaves instructions about the work they were to do, and he told the gatekeeper to watch for his return.” 

As believers and followers of Christ Jesus, we have been given instructions through the Word of God what we should be doing as we wait for Christ’s return. The Scriptures give us all we need to live a godly life, as we pour over these words, our hearts are being joined with the Holy Spirit and we can know without doubt that Jesus will be coming again. Soon. Many of us may have difficulty with the word “soon.” It’s possible we have heard Jesus will be coming soon our entire lives! But even Jesus said in Revelation 22:20, “Yes, I AM coming soon.” We have to realize that our definition of “soon,” is different for the Almighty God. In 2 Peter 3:8 it says,  “But you must not forget this one thing, dear friends: A day is like a thousand years to the Lord, and a thousand years is like a day.”

So as we wait and watch, we may hear with more accuracy the things Jesus tells us about in verses 13:1-27… in verse 13:7 is says, “…you will hear of wars and threats of wars…” verse 13:8 says, “…nation will go to war against nation…” Verse 13:8 also says, “…there will be earthquakes in many parts of the world, as well as famines…” Verses 13:12-13 say, “A brother will betray his brother to death, a father will betray his own child, and children will rebel against their parents and cause them to be killed. 13 And everyone will hate you because you are my followers…” Verse 13:22 says, “…false messiahs and false prophets will rise up…”

But even if we notice all these things in our world today, Jesus says, in verse 13:8b, “…this is only the first of the birth pains, with more to come…”

We have to be watchful. Fulfilling the Word of the Lord. Spread the Gospel Message and the love of Jesus. Verse 13:34b says, “…He gave each of His slaves (servants, followers, believers) instructions about the work they were to do…” Are you following the instructions that Jesus Christ the Son of God has given you to do while here on earth? If you don’t know what it is you should be doing, then ask the Lord to point you in the right direction!

Verse 13:33 makes it so very clear, “…since you don’t know when that time will come, be on guard! Stay Alert!” Then following up with that verse is verse 13:37, “I say to you what I say to everyone: Watch for Him!”

Are you watchful? Are you staying alert? Are you guarding your heart, mind and soul in readiness for Christ’s return? Are your hearts on fire for the Lord? Do you yearn for Christ’s return? Do you cry out “Amen! Come, Lord Jesus!” (Revelation 22:20b) “The Spirit and the bride say, “Come.” Let anyone who hears this say, “Come.” (Revelation 22:17a)

My precious Lord and Savior, Jesus. I know You are coming soon. My heart yearns for your return so your church can be united with You in Heaven. But my heart also aches for those who have not yet given their hearts to You.

As we wait for the Lord’s return, pray for your unsaved family, friends, neighbors, community to come to Jesus.

Read what the following verses say about how the Father in Heaven feels about the unsaved…

Ezekiel 18:23, 23 “Do you think that I like to see wicked people die? says the Sovereign Lord. Of course not! I want them to turn from their wicked ways and live.”

1 Timothy 2:1, 3-4, 1 “I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them… This is good and pleases God our Savior, who wants everyone to be saved and to understand the truth.”

2 Peter 3:9, “The Lord isn’t really being slow about His promise, as some people think. No, He is being patient for your sake. He does not want anyone to be destroyed, but wants everyone to repent.”

It is very important and up to us to be diligent in our prayers for others, it is also our responsibility as believers to get the Word out! Speak the Name of Jesus in everything you do.

“Be on GUARD! Stay ALERT! WATCH for Him!”