Proverbs 27:17

Written ~ 12-19-2023

Proverbs 27:17

17 “As iron sharpens iron,
    so a friend sharpens a friend.”

Think about what friendship means to you. With the increasing popularity of Social Media, sometimes being a “friend” can actually be quite meaningless. It’s more likely that most of the “friends” we have on Facebook or Instagram, etc. are mere acquaintances, not friends. Does the quality and intimacy of friendship remain when, let’s say, you have 200 or 500 or 1000 “friends” on your Social Media accounts? I hardly think so. Let’s be honest, if you were to go through your entire list of “friends,” how many can you truly count on? How many would you consider as a confidant? Do you feel you can post an intimate detail of your life on Facebook (for example) and expect confidentiality to withstand through that platform? I think we can all agree that “No,” – social media is not the place to share private information.

So, what is a friend? And how do we sharpen each other?

A friend is someone you can turn to and share your private thoughts, they are the people you have in your trusted inner circle. They are the people who know your every desire. They sometimes seem to know you better than you know yourself! The dictionary’s definition of “friend” is: Someone who is attached to another by affection or esteem, also, it’s someone who has personal knowledge or familiarity. A friend is a confidant, someone to whom secrets are entrusted.

Who do you have in your life that fits that description? Maybe one or two people? A few more? And how is it you are sharpening one another? To sharpen one another as our verse in Proverbs is talking about, means we are encouraging and strengthening one another in the Word of God. Do you have a few people in your friendship circle that you can discuss spiritual matters with? Are they friends to whom you can pray with and learn from? Are they friends you can cry with, laugh with, share struggles, share achievements, all while keeping the Lord as the focal point?

Ecclesiastes 4:12 says,

12 “A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken.”

When you have a couple of dear friends who will stick with you no matter what, you have a treasure! When you have a few trusted friends who will bring your requests to the Father and pray for His will to be done on your behalf, you can get through even the toughest circumstances, because they stand in agreement with you.

Matthew 18:19-20 says,

19 “I also tell you this: If two of you agree here on earth concerning anything you ask, My Father in heaven will do it for you. 20 For where two or three gather together as My followers, I am there among them.”

These are examples of sharpening one another. Standing together through “thick and thin” and praying for each other in the Name of Jesus.

Another way of sharpening one another is by studying the Word of God with each other. Having someone you can count on is extremely important, they will be the one who helps keep you accountable. They will be the one who will challenge you to remain in the Scriptures, especially when tough circumstances arise. 

If you have people around you who say they are your friends but don’t “show up” when you need them, it’s possible they don’t really have your back. They aren’t a true confidant. It might be time to find a friend who values your friendship and will be that person who will build you up, sharpen you.

Proverbs 18:24 says,

24 There are “friends” who destroy each other,
    but a real friend sticks closer than a brother.

It’s crucial that we choose our friends wisely, if we are going to share personal thoughts and have someone stand with us through anything, they need to have the type of integrity that holds up under pressure.

Part of the sharpening process between friends goes along with the accountability I spoke of earlier. There must be the type of trust that when you need to get your focus back on the Lord, that friend will point out the things that have pulled your attention away from Him and from studying the Scriptures.

You’re going to be real with these types of friends and they are going to be real with you. No hidden agenda, no gossiping behind each other’s back, no hurtful lies. There’s no making up stories to “one up” each other.

There is only truth and the building up of each other’s characters. 

When we have the chance to spend time with these kinds of friends, the light of Jesus should shine that much brighter when you are together. And after you part, the gleam of light should be absolutely blinding! That’s what it means to be sharpening each other.

Proverbs 27:9 says,

The heartfelt counsel of a friend
    is as sweet as perfume and incense.

Even though you may have to challenge each another if either of you aren’t walking with the Lord as you know you should, you have complete confidence in that friend, that their counsel is exactly what you needed to hear to get you back on track. It may hurt a little bit if your truest friend needs to “punch you in the face” to get your attention! But in the long run it’s better to have a friend that risks hurting your feelings in order to get you back on track with the Lord, than to have a friend who lets you go off the deep end. Alone.

Proverbs 27:6 says,

Wounds from a sincere friend
    are better than many kisses from an enemy.

Sharpen each other with the Word of God. Challenge each other to remain steadfast in your faith. 

And lastly… 

Be the type of friend your friend needs.