Psalm 30

February 4, 2025

~J O Y~

***Means you are to experience the Lord your Savior with great pleasure or delight***

Read Psalm Chapter 30

Key Verses: Psalm 30:5b, 11

5b “Weeping may last through the night,
    but JOY comes with the morning.

11 You have turned my mourning into JOYFUL dancing.
    You have taken away my clothes of mourning and clothed me with JOY!”

There may be times in your life when you feel as though you are walking through the night, day after day, heaviness and sorrow can be a debilitating weight. When that heaviness doesn’t seem to let up, you have a choice to make… some days that choice will be more difficult than others… That choice is to seek the Lord’s JOY.

When you go through overwhelming circumstances, it might be difficult to see the light at the end of the tunnel. But you have a powerful promise from the Lord in Psalm 30… JOY comes in the morning. No matter what season of mourning you may find yourself in from time to time, the Lord will clothe you in JOY.

It’s quite an awesome phenomenon actually… when Jesus is your everything, you can still walk in JOY through any type of circumstance. JOY comes from within, it is not something you gain from monetary things. This kind of JOY comes from your relationship with your Savior. When the Lord Jesus Christ becomes your priority in ALL THINGS, even in weeping, in sorrow, in grief and in mourning, when you have given your life to the Lord, that means all things  have been given to Him. In turn, He clothes you in JOY! From the inside out you are wrapped in His JOY.

So, think about your life, do you have the JOY of the Lord bursting out at the seams? Are you able to contribute that JOY to the Salvation you have found in Jesus? Finding JOY even in great difficulty will show those around you that your Savior sustains everything in your life.


Dear Lord, You understand my weeping, sorrow, grief and mourning, in those moments wrap me in Your Joy. Help me see that Joy will come in the morning. Father God, I pray that I will only look to Your Son for my Joy. Holy Spirit fill the places in my heart that don’t burst forth in Joy. Jesus, walk with me during any season of mourning that I may need to go through and clothe me in Your Joy. Amen.